7 Reasons Why Women Should Embrace Body Hair
Embrace your natural self: Celebrate the beauty of your body hair
There is almost a programmed expectation for women to remove their body hair. In fact, we are so accustomed to seeing women hairless, that when hairy legs, underarms, face, bikini area are on show, it is almost met with disdain, seen as an act of rebellion or even seen as unhygienic and unnatural.
Women choose to remove their body hair for many reasons, and yes, it can be a preferred choice, as this makes women feel more confident and attractive, however, the main underlying reasons why women remove their body hair is because of societal pressures., religion can also be a factor, health and dermatological reasons.
Body hair removal has also been linked to patriarchal ideologies where the amount of hair on a woman's body is directly proportional to her beauty. For example, in many cultures, the lack of body hair is the hallmark of beauty and cleanliness for women.
Whatever the reasons, there are always some sort of standard for beauty being set for women in our globalised society, especially when it comes to body hair and what is acceptable.
Image: Anna Shvets
“However, the tide is changing, and women are embracing their body hair as a natural and beautiful part of being female. Women are taking back control and embracing and accepting the truth that their body hair is an extension of their personality and beauty”.
In this article we will give you 7 amazing reasons why women should embrace their body hair, whether it be a stubble or a full blown flourish, we are here to help you understand the benefits of body hair and how you can manage it.
Before we delve into the 7 reasons, it's important to acknowledge the underlying reasons that contribute to this condition. It is good to note that every woman's condition is unique, so if you have hair growth that makes you feel unconformable, then we also recommend seeking advice from a herbalist or GP who can provide personalised guidance.
One of the primary reasons for excessive body hair in women is genetics. Each of us is unique, and our bodies react differently based on our genetic makeup. The presence of recessive and dominant genes determines the texture and thickness of our hair. Hormonal signals control our hair growth, and these signals can vary significantly from person to person due to individual differences in hormone processing.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a disorder that affects the female reproductive system. Hormone imbalances, particularly increased levels of androgens, can lead to excessive hair growth. Hirsutism, the abnormal growth of hair in areas where it is normally minimal or absent (such as the upper lip, chin, nipples, abdomen, axillae, and pubic region), is one of the physical symptoms of PCOS.
Health Conditions:
Hypertrichosis is a medical condition characterized by excessive body hair growth. It can manifest as excessive hair on the face, chest, back, arms, legs, or even in uncommon areas like the eyebrows, eyelashes, or inside the ears.
Image: Anna Shvets
7 Reasons Why You Should Embrace your Body hair :
1. Body Hair Is Natural and Amazing.
The human body comes equipped with hair just about everywhere except for your eyeballs, mouth, and your palms of your hands. Body hair is a mark of health, a sign of womanhood, provides protection from the elements, prevents hypothermia and helps maintain a healthy internal temperature. Body hair is something we should embrace, as it is here to do what our body was born to do naturally.
2. Body Hair Provides a Safe Haven for Microbes.
Microbes and bacteria live naturally in our hair, and cannot survive airborne very long because it is too dry. Hair provides natural protection from pathogens and helps fight off bad microbes that are already present in bodies. Hair is a natural defence against many of the elements that we can succumb to.
3. Hair Is an Important Function of the Female Genitalia.
Shaving the genitalia and pubic hair area strips the body's natural ability to protect itself from harm and removes an important part of a woman's being. There are two main forms of bodily hair in the female genitalia area. The first being vellus hair, which as its name suggests is very soft and light which covers the entire genitalia and labia including the clitoris. The second type of hair is pubic hair, which begins at the top of the vulva and goes down between the legs and covers the anus and anus opening region. The hair provides an important and protective covering for the vulva and creates a protective shield for the clitoris, a part of the body that should be protected.
4. Embracing Body Hair Is a Statement of Confidence.
When a woman allows her body hair to grow in its natural state, she is making a statement of confidence. She is expressing her authenticity and showcasing her natural beauty through her hair. Most importantly, she is not ashamed of what is naturally part of her.
5. Embracing Body Hair Is Empowering.
When a woman decides to stop shaving and embraces her natural body hair, she is creating a platform of empowerment for other women. When body hair grows, it allows the women to feel strong and proud of who they are.
7. Being Natural Is Liberating.
Ditching the razor can save you so much time. Once you let go of thinking about your hair, you can put more effort into living your best life instead of focusing on pruning your body into perfection.
So, if you think that a natural lifestyle is something that you are interested in, here are some tips to help this journey:
Start slowly by shaving less and less until you realize that it feels good to leave your hair alone.
Talk about your decision to embrace a natural lifestyle and be open-minded when talking with friends and family. Tell them the reasons why you're natural. We need to slowly but surely start a conversation about embracing our natural body hair to change social norms.
Ask friends/partner to join in on the movement. The more people who collectively come together on this issue and help educate people about the benefits of being natural, the more our society will understand and assimilate this into their mindset.
Do not read any articles or essays about hair removal that are shaming because negative reinforcement doesn't help anyone to kick a habit! Remember, your mental health is of paramount importance during this process.
Don't let the opinions of others determine your worth. Your natural body hair does not reduce your femininity or womanhood. You are perfect just as you were born!
Get inspired - find articles, influencers, people who are also following this movement. We found this article Pictures Of Women Embracing Body Hair that, we hope, will encourage you.
Embracing your body hair has numerous benefits and adds uniqueness to who you are. While it may not be for everyone, having conversations about body hair and challenging negative messages surrounding this topic is an important step towards acceptance and inclusivity. Remember, your natural body hair does not diminish your femininity or womanhood, only enhances it. You are perfect just as you were born.
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