The Power Of Self-Love And Self-Esteem by Caira Lee


Have you ever wondered what fabulousness looks like in the flesh, well look no further, her name is Caira Lee.

Caira is a writer, speaker, a national award-winning poet and in her Ted Talk she speaks poetically on how to practice radical self-Love.

The reason why this Ted Talk is so important is because Caira addresses issues that we were not able to address so openly five years ago. We have finally accepted that mental health is real for most of us, and it has affected our lives at some point whether directly or indirectly. People, quite rightly are not stigmatised by mental health, and are open about their struggles, differences and challenges. There is more help, resources, therapy and tools readily available to assist, and self-love is one of the many therapies that can help us overcome the challenges we face in life.

However, if we ask you, do you practice self-love and how? Most, not all of you, may get a little stuck, this is why we advise that you listen to Caira’s Ted Talk.

Caira gives examples of her own journey and presents practical wisdom on how we can execute self-love in our everyday lives.

It is one of those Ted Talks where you should take notes as you watch because it is life transforming.

Our crush for caira is real and we think she is awesome!

If you want more Caira fabulousness, check out her amazing website below and follow her on IG, show her some love and tell her we sent you!

We hope this video inspires you as much as it inspired us.

Before you go, how do you practice self-love, and how has Caira's Ted Talk inspired you? Comment below, we would love to know…

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